IKK's Stainless Steel Ball Valve Parts and Stern Tubes

Product Examples

- Stainless Steel Ball for Ball Valve

- Stainless Steel Seal Liner for Stern Tube

- Stainless Steel Pipe, Flange, etc.

Principal Benefits of IKK's Stainless Steel Ball Valve Parts and Stern Tubes

IKK has a great deal of experiences in manufacturing Stainless Cast Steel Products by the Vertical Centrifugal Casting Process*.

*Vertical Centrifugal Casting Process: A casting method pouring molten metal into a rotating mold at a high speed.

Filing and pressure effects arisen from centrifugal force gain advantages as follows:

#1 Feeder head not necessary

#2 Less internal flaws compared to other methods

#3 Denser and more homogeneous structure

Stainless Cast Steel is suitable for making pipes and flanges and does not require the core as far as the product is of machining specifications.

Manufacturable up to Φ800 x 500L in size and approx. 300kg by weight.

Stainless Cast Steel products are mainly cylindrical. Those in other geometry are manufacturable if the sprue runner system is radially designed, including the small multiple objects.

INQUIRY / ITOH KIKOH CO., LTD.  Foundry Division, Sales Group
Contact us!
ITOH KIKOH CO., LTD. Foundry Division, Sales Group
ADDRESS: Nu-no-wari 412-4, Minamishibata-machi, Tokai, Aichi 476-0001, Japan
TEL: +81 52 604-1216
8:30am to 5:30pm JST on weekdays; except national and corporate holidays
FAX: +81 52 604-1284

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