IKK's Incinerator Parts for Municipal and Industrial Waste
- IKK manufactures heat-resistant cast steel parts to be used for waste incinerator, such as fire grate, stoker, kiln casting, pusher, fluid bed nozzle, etc.
- Manufacturing process is selectable; sandcast products, shell mold cast products, lost wax precise cast products are available as well as stainless plate working products.
Principal Benefits of IKK's Incinerator Parts for Municipal and Industrial Waste
IKK has many delivery results to principal incinerator manufacturers in Japan.
- Material for the products can be designated according to the customer’s desire/needs/circumstances.
- Small quantity and/or quick delivery is welcome.
Examples of Heat-Resistant Casting Products
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ITOH KIKOH CO., LTD. Foundry Division, Sales Group
ADDRESS: Nu-no-wari 412-4, Minamishibata-machi, Tokai, Aichi 476-0001, Japan
TEL: +81 52 604-1216
8:30am to 5:30pm JST on weekdays; except national and corporate holidays
FAX: +81 52 604-1284
INQUIRY FORM / Foundry Division
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