IKK's Casting Parts by Shell Mold Method

IKK’s Casting Products manufactured by the Shell Mold Method make contributions to various categories including the Automotive industry.

Two manufacturing methods -- Dumping and Blowing -- are available at IKK and in the case of specific customers’ needs, IKK adapts more suitable methods to provide quality products.

Shell Mold Casting method is suitable for mass-produced items and small items and can be used for practically any material.

- IKK is well experienced in these fields: automotive parts, pump impellers, tips for asphalt finishers, etc.

Principal Benefits of IKK's Casting Parts by Shell Mold Method

Features of casting products manufactured by IKK’s Shell Mold Casting Method

- Excellent in dimensional accuracy realized by the precision manufacturing method

- Clean casting surface

- Suitable for mass production because mold making is simple.

Features of Mold for Shell Mold Casting

- Casting defect is a rare occurrence because the mold strength is high.

In conclusion, casting products of superior quality are provided by using the shell mold casting method.

INQUIRY / ITOH KIKOH CO., LTD.  Foundry Division, Sales Group
Contact us!
ITOH KIKOH CO., LTD. Foundry Division, Sales Group
ADDRESS: Nu-no-wari 412-4, Minamishibata-machi, Tokai, Aichi 476-0001, Japan
TEL: +81 52 604-1216
8:30am to 5:30pm JST on weekdays; except national and corporate holidays
FAX: +81 52 604-1284

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